ZW-3 Festival: Wir feiern Geburtstag!

zw turns three
three is a nice number and as a pretty common saying tells us, it is good! well, we will see but we surely hope so.
a year ago we had heavy financial struggles, we called for help, and you all came by, watched theatre pieces, attended performances, danced to bands and lost yourselves in a long ravey. we enjoyed moments at zw together or alone, that fills our hearts with joy and make us keep our drive.

a year later, here we are: still on very fragile financial legs, facing smear campaigns from the right, still empty in between, still working for little money to try to make everything as accessible as possible, although prices still might seem high, we are altogether just still struggling sometimes. arts, music and culture in general is hard to keep afloat.
but again, here we are: zw keeps on running! people from near and far engaging in projects in and around these spaces, helping each other out all in all. organizing ourselves with little means and fuller hearts trying to approach politics, culture, arts and music with compassion and contentment and saying what we want to say.

zurich can be a cold, prude and ignorant city. and it will be even colder in november, but we have plenty of reasons to celebrate 3 years of zw and what we do with it for another 3 years and more and more and more!

this year, our festival will reflect what we have done this year. it will be poetic, delicious, fun and loud. The program will be announced gradually in the next weeks. normal tickets will be release on october 20th.


Montag, 18. November 2024



Als nicht gewinnorientierter, inklusiver Kultur- und Veranstaltungsort bietet die Zentralwäscherei Raum für niederschwellige Partizipation, aktive Mitgestaltung und Bespielung sowie für Reflexion und Experimente in den Bereichen Musik, Kunst, ...



Neue Hard 12
8005 Zürich

Dein Weg



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