The present and future use of the Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines

The speaker

Hans van Dormolen worked in the Metamorfoze programme (the Nether­lands‘ national programme for the preservation of paper heritage), which is situated in the National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague (Koninkli­jke Bibliotheek). He’s the author of several important Preservation Imaging Guidelines, e.g. the «Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines, Image Quality, Version 1.0». He was awarded in 2014 for his work in objective capture practices for cultural heritage imaging by the Society for Imaging Science and Technology (IS&T). Van Dormolen works now as an indepen­dent imaging consultant (Imaging & Preservation Imaging, Haarlem, The Netherlands).

The lecture

Hans van Dormolen will give an introduction of the Metamorfoze Preser­vation Imaging Guidelines. He explains the what, why and how of its basic principle «What you see is what you get». This basic principle is granted in all three Metamorfoze quality levels. And he will present the new elements of version 2.0 of the Metamorfoze Preservation Imaging Guidelines. Version 2.0 is under construction now and will be published later this year.

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